I started this project during Ludum Dare 34. It was supposed to be a fairly simple game. I streamed the development from start to finish on Twitch.
During my twitch streams, I typically take advice from the chat. This can sometimes be really distracting, and is probably a bad idea in general. Everyone who watches the stream wants to see you create the most amazing thing in the world, and feature/scope creep because a serious issue quickly.
Ludum Dare is a 48/72 hour game jam, so adding Multiplayer is a really stupid idea. I did it.
Adding some kind of modding support so that the players can break the game and do all sorts of stuff is also a pretty silly idea. I did that too.
Right now, the game is turning into a sandbox of some kind. Something like Garry’s Mod, with voxelated blocky models that look like something out of Minecraft.
Through all this, I learned a lot about reflection and how Unity’s version of JS is sorta weird. I’m hoping to turn this ingame console I’ve added into an asset. I just need to clean it up and make it generic enough for others to use. It’s pretty cool though!
It even runs on Android!