LD34: Executing JS during runtime in Unity!
I started this project during Ludum Dare 34. It was supposed to be a fairly simple game. I streamed the development from start to finish on Twitch. During my twitch streams, I typically take advice from the chat. This can sometimes be really distracting, and is probably a bad idea
VaultScript and other old GMod gamemodes
I had an old friend on steam recently ask about my old Garry’s Mod lua scripts. He asked if I still had them. This wasn’t the first time he had asked me, and in the past, I told him that I might get back into Garry’s Mod, and rewrite the
ShowAll, 100%, draw, compositing, and a quadcore computer.
After a little debate in FGL chat about framerate (30 looking choppy and 60 being smooth), I went and looked back on an earlier version of my engine. At that point I had lighting implemented, and was able to have around 500 triangles with a rock solid 60fps. The old
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