The current set of PlayMaker pathfinding actions don’t work with the latest version of the A* Pathfinding Project.
I’m making a simplfied version that only returns which nodes to move to. Actually moving your physics/transform/character controller is up to you!
This is a much better way to handle movement because you can swap targets on the fly, from the path- to an enemy if he’s in visible (via raycast or radar or distance?)
I’ll release the actions if there is any interest. They’re a bit game specific at the moment.
very neat and chance you could share your script examples?
The state machine stuff relies on the PlayMaker plugin ($90), and the pathfinding requires the AStarPathfinding package (free). I’ll try to decouple my action scripts a bit from my game, because right now- its pretty deeply tied to my game logic. Whenever it’s ready, I’ll make a youtube video, reddit post, playmaker forums post, and a post here on my wordpress.
Sorry it’s not ready yet. I promise that I’ll get it out, even if its just a basic form.
I would love to get these actions you made. Lovely stuff.