Unity, Voxels, PlayMaker and Rotorz, Oh my! I’m currently adding PlayMaker powered speech bubbles to my New Years Jam game.
I’ve been a bit slow merging projects together because the speech bubbles project breaks my game jam project and it starts throwing errors left and right. Something related to json, but I really haven’t investigated it much.
Yuuki is making some more art for the game as we’ve decided to add a bit more polish. Stuff like acid, lava, and possibly sewage with lots of particles are planned. We’re also adding a basic story and tutorial using the speech bubbles. I’ve also set up some robotic voice stuff with Audacity and Melodyne. The voice I’m aiming for is the “announcer” in Portal 2, who tells you how long you’ve been in stasis.
The game is turning out to be a lot bigger than I would have guessed. I’m attempting to set things up for reuse. We have a topdown game planned that’ll be using a lot of the previous code for mouse tracking, health, bad guy movement, and some particle systems and materials I plan to reuse.