Ludum Dare 26
First Timer This was the entry for my first time participating in Ludum Dare. The theme was minimalism, which is perfect for me, as I’m certainly not an artist. Instead of using the full 48 hours to develop the game, I spent only a few hours working on this right…
Dynamite Max
This was a 3D Flash game before 3D was cool. Papervision and Away3D were the kings of 3D in flash, before Stage3D came around. This means we faked 3D effects using the CPU. This method is extremely limited, which means we could only draw about 1000 triangles. Generally it would…
CRACKED SKYBLOCK Minecraft 1.7.4
This is a cracked Skyblock server that I love. A new spawn and skyblock plugin are coming soon. You can see some cool islands, and some previews of the new spawn area in this video!
I really wasn’t planning on entering. #LD48
I wasn’t really sure if I’d be making anything this weekend. I’ve spent most of my time watching others on Twitch. Surprise! I’ll be adding a 2nd player and some particles. Not really sure if I’ll get to a titlescreen or anything. I need to clean up my website too.…
Modeling Video
I forgot to post this here. I made a little timelapse of me making a spaceship model. Its not a very good model but hey, its a neat video. I was planning to make a lot more videos but I’ve been having a lot of interruptions at home. My in-laws…
Sorry for the absence!
I’ve been away from the internet for a very long time, as you may or may not have noticed. I’ve done a bit of prototyping while I was gone, and played with Unity and UDK a bit. Unity is very interesting, and depending on how the flash market goes, may…
Sexy Lights
Posting an updated screenshot for my blog readers to see. Things are coming along nicely, huh? Setting up some smarter ogmo layers so editing lights and foreground elements will be easier. Hooked up the lights to the levers/circuitry system. It’s awesome.
The Village Blacksmith writes about our collaboration game
TVB wrote about “That Game I’m Working On”. Check it out! http://www.thevillageblacksmith.net/that-game-im-working-on-development-preview/
Collaboration and G+
So what have I been doing lately? Other than working on my overcomplicated game that I fear will never get finished, I’ve been collaborating with The Village Blacksmith on a nameless game that he started.
Cube2D SpeedCoding
I don’t really like having posts littered with videos, but since I uploaded so many recently, I figured I’d throw it all in one post. If you’d like to look at the playlist on Youtube, you can find that here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3AFBEA39AD842E60
More FlashPunk and Nape.. Oh, and life news!
As I’m always looking for better ways to do things, I remembered a few points deltaluca had brought up about using haXe over AS3. There is a haXe port of FlashPunk, and Nape is constructed with haXe, so I looked at moving to haXe myself. After reading a tutorial I…
FlashPunk and Nape
My wife and I left to visit family in Oklahoma in late May. We were given the gas money to get there, but once we got there, family drama, apartment fires, car problems, and other crap ended up leaving us broke at a friends house.
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